[4/7, 12:31 PM] Cristin: Pero cm bas hablar con migo todos los dias [4/7, 12:32 PM] Cristin: Si no tengo internet todo los dias [4/7, 12:33 PM] Cristin: Ami me coletaron el internet
[4/7, 12:31 PM] Cristin: Pero cm bas hablar con migo todos los dias[4/7, 12:32 PM] Cristin: Si no tengo internet todo los dias[4/7, 12:33 PM] Cristin: Ami me coletaron el internet
[4/7, 24:31] Cristin: But cm bas talk to me every day [4/7, 24:32] Cristin: If I do not have internet all day [4/7, 24:33] Cristin: Ami collection was my internet
[4 / 7, 12: 31 PM] Cristin: but cm bas talk with me every day [4 / 7, 12: 32 PM] Cristin: if don't have the Internet all day [4 / 7, 12: 33 PM] Cristin: ami I coletaron Internet